Bees are the cornerstone of life around us. Trees, flowers, and other plants rely on their pollination efforts to reproduce and provide the food we eat and the air we breathe. Without bees, there would be no us.
On the other hand, bees sting. A colony that has decided to call your backyard (or if you’re really unlucky-chimney or a storage shed) home will have hundreds of worker bees that will happily sacrifice their lives in their attempt to stick a stinger into your hide. Like most other things in life, bees are great in moderation and at a suitable distance, but they can be a serious problem when their numbers get out of control or they start spending time in the areas they’re not wanted, like inside your home or your car, for example.
Let’s look a bit deeper into what bees are, how to control honey bees on your property, and, if the DIY approach fails, where to find reliable pest control in Framingham to have professionals take over the job. Here at WPC Pest and Termite Control, we’ve been helping Framingham residents with their bee pest control problems since 1978 and will be happy to help you with bee or bee-hive removal.

The Honey Bee Life Cycle
The lifecycle of all bee species consists of four stages-egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. The length of each stage varies depending on the species.
A honey bee, for instance, will go through all stages in 16 and 24 days, depending on if it’s a queen bee, drone, or worker. It starts as an egg, fertilized for a female bee, and unfertilized for a worker or a drone. In three days, the egg hatches into maggot-like larvae, which will be fed with royal jelly by worker bees throughout this stage of development. During the next 11 to 17 days, larvae will spin a cocoon over themselves and, after a transformational stage as a pupa, chew through the wax-sealed hive cell and emerge as an adult, fully capable bee.
Why You Don’t Want Bees Hanging Around Your Yard
In general, most species of bees hanging out in your yard are a great idea. Certain species, however, can quickly become a problem. While regular European honey bees will sting in self-defense, Africanized bees will do so in great numbers, causing serious damage to your health. Bee venom is not particularly dangerous but given enough stings, it can be a threat.
In addition to stings, a species aptly named carpenter bees will bore small holes in the wooden structures around your property, damaging them and often requiring costly repairs.
Eco-Friendly Prevention Tips To Keep Bees From Returning To Your Yard
Taking into account how valuable bees are to the environment around us, it’s always best to prevent them from becoming a problem at your Framingham home, rather than rely on sometimes damaging ways of getting rid of them, such as:
- Fix any plumbing leaks to avoid attracting bees with easy access to water.
- Keep food and sugary drinks covered.
- Seal possible nesting places as soon as possible.
- Seal cracks in the walls and make sure window and door screens are in good shape.
- Keep garbage in a sealed container and empty it regularly.
Since bees are looking to gather nectar from a variety of usually brightly colored and pleasant-smelling flowers, avoid planting them in your yard, and don’t keep floral patterned furniture outside your home.
Call The Professionals For Gentle Bee Removal In Framingham
Sometimes, regardless of your best attempts to discourage them, bees will, for an unfathomable reason, find your home or property irresistible. If you’ve stumbled into this situation and need a quality bee control service, call us at WPC Pest and Termite Control. We have more than 45 years of experience showing unwelcome pests the door and will be glad to give you a hand. Reach out today to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Framingham.
Bees are the cornerstone of life around us. Trees, flowers, and other plants rely on their pollination efforts to reproduce and provide the food we eat and the air we breathe. Without bees, there would be no us.
On the other hand, bees sting. A colony that has decided to call your backyard (or if you’re really unlucky-chimney or a storage shed) home will have hundreds of worker bees that will happily sacrifice their lives in their attempt to stick a stinger into your hide. Like most other things in life, bees are great in moderation and at a suitable distance, but they can be a serious problem when their numbers get out of control or they start spending time in the areas they’re not wanted, like inside your home or your car, for example.
Let’s look a bit deeper into what bees are, how to control honey bees on your property, and, if the DIY approach fails, where to find reliable pest control in Framingham to have professionals take over the job. Here at WPC Pest and Termite Control, we’ve been helping Framingham residents with their bee pest control problems since 1978 and will be happy to help you with bee or bee-hive removal.
The Honey Bee Life Cycle
The lifecycle of all bee species consists of four stages-egg, larvae, pupa, and adult. The length of each stage varies depending on the species.
A honey bee, for instance, will go through all stages in 16 and 24 days, depending on if it’s a queen bee, drone, or worker. It starts as an egg, fertilized for a female bee, and unfertilized for a worker or a drone. In three days, the egg hatches into maggot-like larvae, which will be fed with royal jelly by worker bees throughout this stage of development. During the next 11 to 17 days, larvae will spin a cocoon over themselves and, after a transformational stage as a pupa, chew through the wax-sealed hive cell and emerge as an adult, fully capable bee.
Why You Don’t Want Bees Hanging Around Your Yard
In general, most species of bees hanging out in your yard are a great idea. Certain species, however, can quickly become a problem. While regular European honey bees will sting in self-defense, Africanized bees will do so in great numbers, causing serious damage to your health. Bee venom is not particularly dangerous but given enough stings, it can be a threat.
In addition to stings, a species aptly named carpenter bees will bore small holes in the wooden structures around your property, damaging them and often requiring costly repairs.
Eco-Friendly Prevention Tips To Keep Bees From Returning To Your Yard
Taking into account how valuable bees are to the environment around us, it’s always best to prevent them from becoming a problem at your Framingham home, rather than rely on sometimes damaging ways of getting rid of them, such as:
- Fix any plumbing leaks to avoid attracting bees with easy access to water.
- Keep food and sugary drinks covered.
- Seal possible nesting places as soon as possible.
- Seal cracks in the walls and make sure window and door screens are in good shape.
- Keep garbage in a sealed container and empty it regularly.
Since bees are looking to gather nectar from a variety of usually brightly colored and pleasant-smelling flowers, avoid planting them in your yard, and don’t keep floral patterned furniture outside your home.
Call The Professionals For Gentle Bee Removal In Framingham
Sometimes, regardless of your best attempts to discourage them, bees will, for an unfathomable reason, find your home or property irresistible. If you’ve stumbled into this situation and need a quality bee control service, call us at WPC Pest and Termite Control. We have more than 45 years of experience showing unwelcome pests the door and will be glad to give you a hand. Reach out today to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Framingham.
“Every pest problem that I’ve ever run into, they have addressed it in the short and long-term!”