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Cockroach Control

Effective Cockroach Control Solutions For Your Framingham & Metro West Property

Cockroach Control In Framingham

There are several characteristics of cockroaches that make cockroach control a particularly onerous task for both home and business owners alike. Perhaps the two biggest aspects of cockroaches that make them so hard to get rid of are their legendary toughness and their almost unbelievable breeding speed.

Cockroaches are infamous for their ability to survive many things that might kill other bugs or even humans. They can survive nuclear fallout, chemical exposure, and even up to a week post-decapitation. Their legendary toughness makes eliminating a cockroach infestation insanely difficult because their resilience applies to most over-the-counter products intended to kill them. Most of the time, cockroaches are able to develop strong resistance to sprays and foggers within a couple of generations.

Speaking of generations, it doesn’t take cockroaches all that long to breed one. German cockroaches are especially famous for this. These fast reproducers can generate a new generation every 60 days, and each female will lay hundreds of eggs in a short lifetime. Just a few breeding females in your home can balloon into a massive infestation of thousands of individuals in just a few months. When you add this breeding speed to the difficulty in killing them, it’s easy to see why a cockroach infestation is one of the toughest pest infestations to eradicate.

A Cockroach-Free Home Is Closer Than You Think
If you start seeing signs of cockroach infestation in your home, don’t waste your time with ineffective home pest control solutions that can leave you with just as many roaches as you had before.

Contact us here at WPC Pest and Termite Control. We can hit roaches where it hurts and ensure they never come knocking again.

Early Signs Of A Cockroach Infestation

Detecting an early cockroach infestation can help you address the issue before it escalates. Here are some signs to look for:
If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to take action promptly to prevent a larger infestation!

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Have Questions About Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are extremely dangerous, not because they can sting or pack a venomous bite, but because of the diseases they spread. Roaches hang out in some pretty disgusting spots and eat some horrifying things, like feces and rotting corpses. These little bugs are chock-full of pathogens that can make you very sick. Living with a houseful of cockroaches means constant exposure to dangerous diseases, which is why it’s so vital to kick the cockroaches out of your home as soon as you realize you have them.
Cockroaches are highly motivated to get into just about all human habitations because we have virtually everything they need to thrive. However, if you’re finding that cockroaches are particularly attracted to your home, it could be because you are inadvertently rolling out the red carpet for them. You might be leaving dirty dishes in the sink that they take advantage of or keeping pet food outdoors all the time. Innocuous actions that you might not even consider problematic can attract a horde of roaches.
If you have a cockroach infestation already active in your home, your efforts to eradicate it will virtually always fail. It’s important to hire experts, like the kind here at WPC Pest and Termite Control, as soon as possible to protect yourself from these disgusting and dangerous pests. However, you don’t have to wait for an infestation to do something about cockroaches. In fact, the best home and commercial pest control method is cockroach prevention. The easiest way to go about this is to reduce attractants in your house that can draw cockroaches in. To make your home a more hostile place for all cockroach species:
Making it inconvenient for roaches to access food and moisture will cause them to move on to greener pastures.

Our Cockroach Control Offerings

Here at WPC Pest and Termite Control, our approach to getting rid of cockroaches is different. The first thing we do when we come out to your home is to inspect it thoroughly to identify the roach species involved in the infestation and the problem areas. Once we know what we’re dealing with, we’ll spray a highly effective liquid treatment all over your house, including:
We’ll follow up this liquid treatment with an injectable dust treatment that goes in hard-to-reach places like behind cabinets, around pipes, or in wall voids. Our treatments work differently than over-the-counter cockroach control products because they’re not poisons. Rather, they work by eliminating the roaches’ ability to grow and reproduce, effectively ending the infestation with the last generation of adult roaches. To deal with this final generation, we will use strategically placed bait stations to kill as many adults as possible while allowing the stragglers to age and die naturally without replacing themselves.

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