Ticks are one of the most problematic pests to discover on your property. These bugs are known carriers of infectious diseases, some of which can lead to severe complications over time. Some species of ticks carry different pathogens than others. While most ticks prefer animal hosts, they will feed on humans.
Protecting your property from ticks is a must. Read on to learn more about the ticks in the local area and when it might be time to call a trusted source of pest control in Framingham.

How Do Ticks Spread Diseases?
Ticks spread disease through their feeding process. After they find a host, they latch on and cut into the skin’s surface. They then insert a feeding tube into the skin and secrete a substance that allows them to stay stuck on the host for the duration of the meal. Ticks can feed for anywhere between ten minutes and two hours. They also secrete saliva into the feeding tube, which can enter the host’s bloodstream. The contaminated saliva will also infect the host if the tick is carrying any pathogens.
Ticks spread a number of different infectious diseases, including babesiosis, anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. Lyme disease is particularly troublesome, affects the nervous system, and can lead to chronic complications if it goes undetected. Tick bites that result in Lyme disease typically have a telltale bull’s eye around the bite site. If a tick has bitten you or a loved one, monitoring symptoms and seeking medical attention is essential.
Common Ticks In The Framingham Area
There are over 800 species of ticks on the planet, but only some transmit diseases. Here are two types of ticks in Framingham you should be concerned about:
- American Dog Tick: These ticks are brown with white or gray markings. They have an oval-shaped, flat body that becomes engorged after feeding. Females will lay their eggs in gardens and potted plants. If you have pets or a yard with an abundance of tall grass, it will draw these ticks to your property. Although they prefer animal hosts, American dog ticks will feed on humans. Common diseases spread by this species include tularemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. One of the telltale signs of infection in either condition is a rash around the bite site.
- Black-legged (Deer) Tick: This species is orange or brown with dark brown or black legs. These ticks are longer than they are wide and also have oval-shaped bodies. They are much smaller than American dog ticks, about the size of a sesame seed. They hide in tall grass, especially where it borders a trimmed lawn, fence, or foot trail. Deer ticks are the primary carriers of babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and Lyme disease.
If either of these two tick species has invaded your property, it might be time to work with a high-quality pest control company in Framingham, like WPC Pest & Termite Control.
The Six Best Ways To Get Rid Of & Prevent Ticks
The best way to keep yourself safe from tick-borne illnesses is to prevent these insects from infesting your property. Here are some recommended tick prevention tips:
- Mow your lawn frequently.
- Clear tall grass and brush from your property.
- Consider placing a barrier of wood chips or gravel between your yard and any wild areas with tall grass and plants. We recommend a border of at least three feet.
- Keep firewood neatly stacked, dry, and away from your house.
- Remove old furniture and trash from your yard.
- Make sure decks, playground equipment, and patios are a considerable distance from the edges of your property.
When home remedies for ticks fail to prevent an infestation, it might be time to contact a professional with experience in tick extermination.
Keep Ticks Out Of Your Yard Forever!
The only way to get rid of ticks for good is to rely on high-quality home pest control in Framingham from WPC Pest & Termite Control. With over 45 years of experience keeping ticks off Framingham properties, our extermination solutions ensure these bugs stay away from your property for good. Call us for a free estimate and to learn more about keeping you and your family safe from dangerous ticks and their bites.
Ticks are one of the most problematic pests to discover on your property. These bugs are known carriers of infectious diseases, some of which can lead to severe complications over time. Some species of ticks carry different pathogens than others. While most ticks prefer animal hosts, they will feed on humans.
Protecting your property from ticks is a must. Read on to learn more about the ticks in the local area and when it might be time to call a trusted source of pest control in Framingham.
How Do Ticks Spread Diseases?
Ticks spread disease through their feeding process. After they find a host, they latch on and cut into the skin’s surface. They then insert a feeding tube into the skin and secrete a substance that allows them to stay stuck on the host for the duration of the meal. Ticks can feed for anywhere between ten minutes and two hours. They also secrete saliva into the feeding tube, which can enter the host’s bloodstream. The contaminated saliva will also infect the host if the tick is carrying any pathogens.
Ticks spread a number of different infectious diseases, including babesiosis, anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia. Lyme disease is particularly troublesome, affects the nervous system, and can lead to chronic complications if it goes undetected. Tick bites that result in Lyme disease typically have a telltale bull’s eye around the bite site. If a tick has bitten you or a loved one, monitoring symptoms and seeking medical attention is essential.
Common Ticks In The Framingham Area
There are over 800 species of ticks on the planet, but only some transmit diseases. Here are two types of ticks in Framingham you should be concerned about:
- American Dog Tick: These ticks are brown with white or gray markings. They have an oval-shaped, flat body that becomes engorged after feeding. Females will lay their eggs in gardens and potted plants. If you have pets or a yard with an abundance of tall grass, it will draw these ticks to your property. Although they prefer animal hosts, American dog ticks will feed on humans. Common diseases spread by this species include tularemia and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. One of the telltale signs of infection in either condition is a rash around the bite site.
- Black-legged (Deer) Tick: This species is orange or brown with dark brown or black legs. These ticks are longer than they are wide and also have oval-shaped bodies. They are much smaller than American dog ticks, about the size of a sesame seed. They hide in tall grass, especially where it borders a trimmed lawn, fence, or foot trail. Deer ticks are the primary carriers of babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and Lyme disease.
If either of these two tick species has invaded your property, it might be time to work with a high-quality pest control company in Framingham, like WPC Pest & Termite Control.
The Six Best Ways To Get Rid Of & Prevent Ticks
The best way to keep yourself safe from tick-borne illnesses is to prevent these insects from infesting your property. Here are some recommended tick prevention tips:
- Mow your lawn frequently.
- Clear tall grass and brush from your property.
- Consider placing a barrier of wood chips or gravel between your yard and any wild areas with tall grass and plants. We recommend a border of at least three feet.
- Keep firewood neatly stacked, dry, and away from your house.
- Remove old furniture and trash from your yard.
- Make sure decks, playground equipment, and patios are a considerable distance from the edges of your property.
When home remedies for ticks fail to prevent an infestation, it might be time to contact a professional with experience in tick extermination.
Keep Ticks Out Of Your Yard Forever!
The only way to get rid of ticks for good is to rely on high-quality home pest control in Framingham from WPC Pest & Termite Control. With over 45 years of experience keeping ticks off Framingham properties, our extermination solutions ensure these bugs stay away from your property for good. Call us for a free estimate and to learn more about keeping you and your family safe from dangerous ticks and their bites.